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불한당: 나쁜 놈들의 세상 영어로

"불한당: 나쁜 놈들의 세상" 중국어

영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • The Merciless (film)
  • 나쁜    wrongful; bad; foul; vicious; wrong; wicked;
  • 세상    세상 [世上]1 [세계] the world; (a)
  • 불한당    불한당 [不汗黨]1 [강도] (a gang of) burglars[robbers / bandits / brigands]; a gang.2 [깡패] (a gang of) hooligans; (street) gangsters; hoodlums (and racketeers).
  • 날불한당    날불한당 [-不汗黨] a shameless rascal[scoundrel]; a barefaced villain[crook].
  • 불한당 (드라마)    Robber (TV series)
  • 불한당들    Brigands (film)
  • 나쁜 자들의 한패    pack
  • 범죄도시: 나쁜놈들 전성시대    Eminence Hill
  • 범죄와의 전쟁: 나쁜놈들 전성시대    Nameless Gangster: Rules of the Time
  • 한당    han dang
  • 세상    세상 [世上]1 [세계] the world; (a) society(사회); the public(사람들); [인생·생애] life; existence; one's life time. 이 ~ this world[life]. 저 ~ the next world / the world beyond. ~의 관습 the way(s) of the world. 덧없는 이
  • 나쁜    wrongful; bad; foul; vicious; wrong; wicked; unjustly
  • 선불한    prepaid; paid in advance
  • 들의    field
  • 짐승 같은 놈들    bull; bovine; ox; roo bar; bovines; cattle; kangaroo bar; cow
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